Time Out User Guide

Preferences > Normal

The Preferences window is displayed via the Time Out > Preferences... menu item. This is the Normal page. It includes options related to Normal breaks. Normal breaks are typically 10 minute breaks each hour, where you should get up and walk around, or otherwise rest yourself from computer use.

This page contains four tabs to configure aspects of the Normal break (these are the same for Normal and Micro breaks); click for more information:


Other options on this page:

Use Normal Time Outs: Allows enabling or disabling Normal breaks entirely. If you only want to use Micro breaks, you can uncheck this box. It is on by default.

Restore Defaults: Click this button to change the preferences on this page back to the factory-set values. Preferences on other pages are not affected. A confirmation sheet is presented, unless it was disabled.

Click this button to display the page of the User Guide that discusses this window, i.e. the page you are reading now.

Other Preferences pages:


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